Lions of the Serengeti

The Serengeti National Park is a spectacular wildlife sanctuary.  It is located in the northern part of Tanzania and is 14,763 square kilometers. The whole Serengeti Ecosystem stretches from Serengeti in Tanzania to Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. The Maasai people named it “Siringet” that means “endless plains”. The flat terrain is covered with grasses, shrubs, acacia woodlands and kopjes. Kopjes are referred to as ‘islands in a sea of grass’.

Most of the lions in the world are located in Tanzania, and a large number of them are in the Serengeti. They are known as King of the Jungle because of their power for domination and skills for hunting.

Look at the claws on this young male cub. How do I know it’s a male? See the very light mohawk? That is the beginning of his mane, a natural transition to peacock status. His brother is on the branch above.

The lions can sleep anywhere there is shade, the heat of the day is brutal.

Lions are social animals and they live in groups called a pride. The 3000 or so lions in the Serengeti are divided into 300 prides. We saw a few different prides.

Prides of lions are run by females, but there is no queen.

‘The pride participates in activities together, including hunting, raising the cubs and grooming. Males and females have different roles in the pride. While females work together to hunt and care for their cubs, males mark and guard the pride’s territory.’

The pictures above are about family and love. It’s animal nature in it’s purest form.

Lions have no specific time for breeding, but they do so especially after a pride take over. Male lions are sexually matured at age 2 to 3 years, but they breed at the age of 4 or 5 when they are large enough to take over a pride. The desire to reproduce is so strong that the male lion is able to mate up to a 100 times per day, and these sessions last for only minutes. The mating game goes on for 5 days, every 8-10 minutes. True. A pregnancy lasts for roughly 100 days, and a lioness can give birth to up to 4 cubs.

I have been asked several times if I felt fearful for my life at any point. Yes I did, just once. This already miserable lion who had just gotten into a fight with a cape buffalo locked eyes with me. This wasn’t just any look, it scared me. Another photographer saw the same look in his eyes and we both yelled let’s go!

The assumption that the lion fought a cape buffalo is because of the gouge on his forehead, and the tear under his chin. Can you imagine the horns?

As I mentioned earlier, the lioness is the hunter. When it comes time to eat, there is a protocol. The lion eats first, when he has had his fill the lioness is invited to join. In the meantime, the hyenas are gathering and pacing frantically back and forth. They are ravenous and mean. And at the same time the vultures start to descend. They join the hyenas and finish the corpse .

It is a feeding frenzy.

Hyenas and lions cover the same ground, hunt the same prey, and scavenge the same remains of animals. Consequently they steal food from each other, chase each other, and even kill each other’s young.

Just so you know, most of these facts are from wiki or google. Just a little plagiarism ..

We were only several feet away (as I remember it). The lions don’t fear us because they see us as a big box, and nothing harmful has comes from the box.

If one was to get out of the box, he/she would be fair game, they are now a threat. We did hover close to the tires for the giraffes and the elephants. The giraffes were just loping by, nothing much on their minds, and the elephants can’t see very well, but they smelled us.

Above is a kopjes. We had found a pride there one morning, so we returned in the evening. Both times the lions were waking up from their naps, hence the playful pictures of the cubs. I counted 13 lions in this pride, 5 lionesses and the rest cubs.

Thank you for visiting and reading 5daysago, I hope you enjoyed it.

Please stay tuned!

7 thoughts on “Lions of the Serengeti

  1. As always, your photos are fabulous and your dissertation so informative. Keep sending your pictures and their stories-love all your adventures!! XXOO, Mammy

  2. As always, great pics especially one of the youngster on another animal with his eyes straight onto you

  3. Enjoyed all of your comments, such a learning experience living thru your insight. Pictures say it all….

  4. Michelle these photos are incredible. They make me feel the love the animals have for each other, then I felt sad looking at the boy with the wounds and then the skinny ones…brings you front and center with how hard it is for these animals. The birds and hyenas amazing too. You capture the beauty of these amazing animals. Really emotional.

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