
My name is Michelle.  As of January of 2012, I have become very taken with the Photography of Food. I have held a camera for 40 years, but it has never felt like this. The challenge is thrilling. This blog is about me, learning to photograph food.  Fast forward to today, December 31st 2013. I have decided to shoot everything and anything.  My skills have improved because of this, and I am thrilled to be out and about.  My goal is to make a modest living, no job is too small. Everyday is a learning experience, and I can only get better. Thank you, and  I invite you to follow my progress, through thick and thin.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. This is a blog about my learning to photograph food. I have held a camera for 40 years, but it has never felt like this. I understand how the camera works, and have been proud of my pictures in the past. I still shoot fully manual, with the assistance of the tripod. Not only is this blog a documentary of my ups and downs with the camera, it is also a learning process on how to stage the edible delights, the lighting of the subject, and the blog site itself ! I jumped in with both feet, and am enjoying the coaster ride. There is so much to learn and blog about, and the results, I hope, will be amazing.

  2. Ohh, just saw this Liz … 5daysago was a practice name to get the feel for working on a blog. Something happened and I went live…I didn’t know how to change it, so it stuck !

  3. Michelle, your Cuba pictures are absolutely phenomenal. Truly, they deserve to be in National Geographic. Your talents have just skyrocketed. I hope you go back there to take even more photos. Good luck and keep posting to I can enjoy your work….Steve Bartley

  4. Dear Michelle

    I write you to ask permission to use one of your photos in a non professional documentary I’m now realizing. The photoi is the `portrait of a man with a great cigar in Cuba. Thanks!

  5. Dear Michelle

    I write you to ask permission to use one of your photos in a non professional documentary I’m now realizing. The photoi is the `portrait of a man with a great cigar in Cuba. Thanks!

  6. Michelle–your photos are truly amazing and you have such great talent!! I just started following you so I need to catch up a lot!! PS—my mom’s maiden name was Deiter! We were just in Galena, IL for a wedding and wished we would have eaten at the sandwich shop your son runs!! Next trip!!! 🙂

  7. We saw your book of local artisans at Big Bill’s and would like to get a copy. Where can we find one? Your beautiful photography of the artists and their work showcase the talent in the Driftless.

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