What are the 3 main vegetables in a garden ?

Oh, it’s a silly joke that I giggled to when I was 10 years old.   My dads corny sense of humor ( and mine).   You ask what they are….Lettuce, Turnip and Pea  …say it slower.   ahh ha ha ha .   Well that is what I have for you today, sort of.   I went to a larger market, and what do you know….. more produce !  I have garlic on a stalk, spring onions, radishes or turnips…not sure, and leeks and peas, they go hand in hand with a giggle.

This is a shot of the garlic.  I used them in a red sauce tonight.  Fried them in a little olive oil with red pepper flakes, some of the spring onions coming up next, and that big ole leek.  Lets peek………………….well, it looks like the onion was a bit anxious and showed up first.  Let me see if I can find the leek.  OK…the pictures are not in order, but do you see the leek in the first image ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………             PEAS PEAS PEAS ………..

   AND MORE PEAS  !!!!!

Where did I find some of these  delights….. PICKERS !!      Let me wrap this up by saying that I was having a fun day…. not the challenging images I strive to master, but practice none the less.  This is what I must do every day.  Learning to take control of the camera, in order to portray the pictures I want to convey to you.  Tomorrow, I will whip up a dish to shoot for another post, using the props from today.  And I will read up on how to place a photo in a blog…in order.

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